
Terms of service agreement

By registering on the site FALCON.INVESTMENTS any physical or legal person becomes a customer and agrees to the terms listed below. FALCON INVESTMENTS in this case, according to the terms of this contract by the Contractor. Parties shall bear the full responsibility in accordance with the terms of this agreement prior to its full implementation.
These conditions are an official agreement between the company FALCON INVESTMENTS, which created and supports the development and FALCON.INVESTMENTS site and visitors. As part of the "Agreement on loan" FALCON.INVESTMENTS is a platform for transactions between the "Borrower" and "Lender". Relations between the Parties are governed by the terms "granting the loan agreement."

The conditions set forth in this Agreement, the offer govern the relationship between the Contractor and the Client within the site at FALCON.INVESTMENTS



1.1. This contract is concluded between FALCON INVESTMENTS LLC., Dedicated to the support and maintenance site FALCON.INVESTMENTS and all users of the site who become customers, respectively. Thus FALCON INVESTMENTS LLC. It becomes the Contractor under this contract-offer.
1.2. The object of this agreement are the operations that are carried out by software FALCON.INVESTMENTS mechanism on the policy defined by the Contractor.
1.3. The customer can use the results of the Contractor only in the case of reception of this agreement, as well as from the beginning of the entry in the financial and economic relations through FALCON.INVESTMENTS site.
1.4. In the case of breach of this Agreement by the Customer to the Contractor shall be entitled to withdraw all its obligations to the Customer.
1.5. Changes to this Agreement made by the Contractor unilaterally and does not require individual awareness. Such amendments shall enter into force after their publication in the FALCON.INVESTMENTS
1.6. Contractor shall not be financially liable for the risk of lack of profits from operations which are carried out as a result of use of the loan by FALCON.INVESTMENTS Customer individually recognize the possible financial losses.


2.1. This agreement is accepted from the date of registration on the site FALCON.INVESTMENTS which is impossible without the consent of the terms of this agreement.
2.2. Contractor is obliged to place on the site up to date information about the opportunities that are available to the Customer under the conditions of use of certain FALCON.INVESTMENTS
2.3. Contractor shall execute the closed business process necessary for the implementation of operations carried out on FALCON.INVESTMENTS


3.1. This site is a mechanism that is controlled FALCON INVESTMENTS LLC. and is carried out in order to provide a mechanism for remote and automatic borrowing money, as well as to provide information regarding the use of these funds.
3.2. This site was created with the purpose of internal personal settlements, which are not directed toward commercial profits and are personal relationships between the Client and the Contractor.
3.3. Contractor is not responsible for the accuracy of the information provided by the Customer at the acceptance of this Offer.
3.4. The information provided by the Customer is confidential.


4.1. Contractor delivers the performance site, the availability of the site and its functional usefulness.
4.2. In case of impossibility of access or functionality of the Contractor is obliged to publish a notice in a publicly available, officially granted places.
4.3. Contractor is obligated to follow the rules set out in FALCON.INVESTMENTS p. 5 of this Offer.
4.4. In the event of any claims issues and wishes of the customer is obliged to give priority to inform the Contractor. In case of violation of conditions Contractor the right to terminate the contract, as well as to seek recovery of compensation from the Customer for causing reputational damage.
4.5. In the case of loss of customer control over their profile in FALCON.INVESTMENTS shall not be liable of safety data, as well as consequences.


5.1. Registration on the site create a user account in the future - Account. Every customer has the right to register the account and on the basis of the information provided to participate in the site, to carry out activities for the provision of the loan, as well as to give up this opportunity.
5.2. Each Customer as a result of the acceptance of this agreement accepts the responsibility associated with the possible financial implications, as well as any other circumstances that may be caused by the further actions of the Customer.
5.3. Registration of multiple accounts is prohibited.
5.4. Transfer Account Access Customer to third parties is prohibited.
5.5. Change of personal data carried out by the Contractor.
5.6. The customer has no right to delete his account on their own.


6.1. In the event of force majeure affecting the performance of the resource at FALCON.INVESTMENTS Artist reserves the right to suspend operations.
6.2. The Contractor undertakes to inform the Customer of the occurrence forms majeure means available thanks to data provided by the Customer FALCON.INVESTMENTS


7.1. Investment strategy carried FALCON INVESTMENTS LLC. It is technology of working with financial, as set out in the respective internal documents FALCON INVESTMENTS LLC. and is protected by copyright laws.
7.2. Disclosure of details related to the content and specifics of the company's operations FALCON INVESTMENTS LLC. by means of the Site is prohibited.
7.3. Video material, as well as text materials provided by the Customer on the Site, as well as published in social media on behalf of FALCON.INVESTMENTS belong FALCON INVESTMENTS LLC. and are protected by copyright laws.


8.1. This Agreement is a public offer for the internet users without any restrictions.
8.2. This Agreement is valid until the parties fulfill their commitments.
8.3. This Agreement shall enter into force upon execution by the Customer under the conditions stipulated by paragraph 3 of this agreement.
8.4. This agreement may be terminated by either party in the manner not incompatible with other agreements establishing the relationship between the Client and the Contractor under other contracts.
